The beautiful aspect about thriving together is that when one person may be feeling a little down or grumpy, others in the family may be able to cheer that person up and soon all are thriving together. "You life me and I"ll lift thee, and we'll ascend together."
While on this topic of thriving together, let me take just a moment to express our gratitude for our family members and friends who have offered incredible support and love to us over the almost 17 years since Laurent's accident. Without them, this journey would have been much darker, lonelier, and definitely more discouraging than it has been. If I were to name every act of kindness or every encouraging comment, this post would go on for pages and pages. Even then, I would risk missing someone and something important. Each and every single one of them have lightened our load and lifted our souls. Throughout the years, they have woven a web of interconnecting actions and relationships that never leave us completely alone, and that is a tender mercy. In my opinion then, whichever side of the coin we're on today, we can connect with someone else and help all involved to thrive. If today is your day to be up and filled with optimism or strength, reach out to someone whose tank is just a little low and fill it up. If, however, you are feeling a little discouraged and weary, again reach out to others and let them lift you up. In either case, we need not live in an isolated little bubble, but instead can reach out our hands, clasp them in friendship and love, and thrive together.